The Irony of using an iPhone to Organise a Protest!
Is Protesting the Most Effective way to Protest?
I have intuitively been steered away from public marches and protests since being part of the March Against Monsanto. I have been thinking of the reasons why this may be as surely we must make ourselves heard and defend our rights to make ourselves heard? So this is my take on it.
We can protest in 2 ways – publically and personally.
Public protests such as marches, marches against a particular issue, etc actually feed those imposing the threat or issue onto us. These psychopaths feed off negative emotions, to put it another way – negative emotions directed towards them such as anger, hate, rage, fear & despair not only depletes any compassion they may have left (as they are opposing forces), but also allows them to control us more.
Public protests ae open to infiltration which is what causes much of the violent protests and rioting. Global events are more often than not controlled – ask yourself how they become so viral if they are not, and why it appears to tie in with a mainstream agenda or why any message may be diluted. For example, there are no chemtrails in the skies before, during and after a global event – therefore we cannot say “look up and see what they are doing” and by the time they start spraying again the person you have tried to inform has forgotten and we are classed as raving conspiracy theorists!!
Public protests tend to have the essence of the original cause diluted too. This gives a lot of mixed emotions and messages and is basically too much for the average unaware person to take in. It is understandable if someone has something they want to share that these marches or protests are used to get their message across, but unfortunately it generally can have the opposite effect as it just becomes a confusing mass of information.
As I wrote in my book (Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift), to ‘fight’ something or be ‘against’ something is extremely negative. It has a huge negative impact on our own emotional and ultimately physical & spiritual well-being, as it causes inner stress and turmoil, and may even keep our ‘fight or flight’ reaction switched on.
If the law of attraction has any grounding (which I believe it does) we attract what we focus upon, so by focussing our emotions and energy on what we are against, we could be attracting more of the same to us. Why don’t we just turn this thought around and act FOR what we want not against what we don’t want? Maybe then we will begin attracting what we want?
Constructive Protesting: Now if something like fracking is going to take place in a certain place, I believe that we shouldn’t stand back and do nothing. Forming a blockade to physically try to stop something happening or delivering formal papers to an authority are a more proactive and constructive way of protesting – as long, as it remains peaceful and done with the right intentions. I would also say that awareness campaigns are in this area. Merely informing people of the issue and staying focussed upon that issue without dilution of other issues, is certainly a positive way of making the truth known in a non-violent and constructive way.
This image says it all. When we gather and protest we could actually be giving them more power. So how can we step off this plank and let them fall? It is my understanding that we can do this by collectively, independently and individually making our own voice heard by our own personal protest.
Personal protesting is in my opinion by far the most powerful and constructive way we can make ourselves heard. What is the use of going on a march and still buying from a supermarket who welcomes GM products, or buying your sports gear made by a child, or even the irony of organising a protest on your i-phone made in a sweat shop in China? I am sorry to say that you are actually contributing to the problem as you are feeding the socio-psychopaths everything they need – negative emotions AND your money! In addition you are making yourselves an extremely easy target for infiltration and an excuse for them to bring in ‘Marshall Law’!
Personal protesting is different, for we do it from within in order to make differences in our outside world. If the following guidelines are followed it cannot be infiltrated or taken away! It consists of:
* Making your money count as a vote. Don’t give money to those you don’t want to give power to!
* Buying from independent shops and businesses, boycotting brands and shops who do not reflect your morals and beliefs.
* Protecting yourself and your loved ones.
* Taking care of your emotions and well-being (raising your own vibrations) by removing fear, anger and hatred and creating a peaceful space within yourself.
* Peaceful and lawful non-compliance.
* Living FOR what we want, not FIGHTING what we don’t want.
* Self-sufficiency as much as possible.
* Recognising and realising our own power to look after our health, build your immune system effectively.
* Learn the logical fallacies to protect yourself from mind controling propaganda.
This is my personal protest and no-one can take it away from me!
Thanks Dani for this article. I have been on a few protests this year myself and have noticed the wearing of Anonymous masks is constantly increasing and this brings negative energy to the protest and above all to the wearer of the mask. I have noticed whenever there is a protest against geo engineering the skies are clear of chem trails not just where the protest is taking place but further afield and this was a welcome sight as the April protest this year also clashed with another outdoor event I was attending and I saw blue skies for the first time that year. Though there were visible chem trails on the day of the last protest in London in November.
The one successful protest I took part in was in August and it was a week long vigil outside the ATOS offices. Nobody wore a mask and everybody was polite and friendly. We worked well with the security officers and some of the senior staff working there were impressed with us and decided to show more sympathy towards claimants coming for medical exams.
Boycotting supermarkets isn’t that easy when independent shops are closing down more and more but I do boycott the ones who use workfare participants and buy as much as I can from farmers markets, market stalls and independent shops.