Truth or Ego?
We must understand that each of our’s reality can be different from the others. But just because we see things differently, or have our own truths doesn’t mean we are all wrong. There is an ultimate truth that we may never find out so anything we feel we know is just our perception of the situation.
I often say it is like 2 people looking at a fruit bowl from different angles, one will say the bananas are in front of the apples, the other will say the apples are in front of the bananas. Both are right as it is their perception of it, but they will argue with each other and put each other down and call each other a shill etc as their egos are getting in the way of realising this. The ultimate truth is the fruit bowl as it is without judgement or perception, something we may never experience for ourselves as we will always have judgement and perception.
Even stuff like aspartame causing cancer is not the reality for some who have consumed it all their lives and not got cancer! I am thinking more than all this arguing it is best to rise above it and do everything we can to raise our vibrations and protect ourselves in the way we feel is right.
I think the truth movement is breaking down due to the negativity that the ego is creating. Also the people with biased intentions are starting to be exposed, however I also think this could be shills who are putting distrust in those who are speaking the truth – who knows?
I was becoming disillusioned with the ‘truth’ movement lately and it felt more and more like a straight jacket with extremists claiming to know the truth and if you had a different opinion or experience they were accusing you or others of being a shill. It is not the ‘truth’ movement but the ‘truth seeking movement’ and the very fact they are calling themselves ‘truthers’ is key to how they see others. I’ve seen more arrogance and negativity in the ‘truth’ movement than any other political organisation including the anti geo engineering movement which has now been infiltrated by extremists who exaggerate the facts to put their point across and don’t like it when you refuse to go along with them on every detail.